Monday 3 September 2018

Loco Roster from Tuesday 4th September 2018

Tues 4th:- Samson, Southern Maid, Hercules and diesel JB Snell
Wed 5th:- Southern Maid, Hercules, Winston Churchill and diesel JB Snell
Thurs 6th:- Northern Chief, Samson, Hercules and diesel JB Snell
Fri 7th:- Northern Chief, Samson, Winston Churchill and diesel JB Snell
Sat 8th:- Winston Churchill, Southern Maid, Samson and diesel J Snell


Anonymous said...

Hell o does any one know when black prince is coming back onto the line and Samson ? Many thanks

cprtrain said...

Can you give us an update on Green Godess?

cprtrain said...

I've been watching the night time operation this evening and it is terrific! Thanks. I wish that I could have been there from Canada with my video camera. The scenes in the webcams were great.

Unknown said...

Any chance on an update for the roster for next week?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Update required on loco roster please